
OVK/PEVR (Parents of Road Victims)
"Empty Rooms"

Client: OVK/PEVR (Parents of Road Victims)
Product: Road Safety Organisation
Title: Empty Rooms
Media: Online, Film, Photography
Country: Belgium
Date Of Campaign: 27/12/2021

Background: Raise awareness of the danger on the road to people travelling by car during the winter holidays. Winter holidays are a time of the year with increased road traffic in Belgium. With the rise of staycations during the pandemic, plus the difficult winter conditions, the danger on the road is even higher.

Idea: Winter holidays = dangerous conditions / increased traffic (especially with the surge of staycations during the pandemic). We teamed up with booking to place rooms of children who fell victim to road accidents symbolically on Booking.com. Naturally, these weren't for rent. Assets: the rooms on booking.com, a documentary, the site empty rooms.be + spreading via family & Travel influencers. Massive PR

Results: The PR impact is part of the very long legacy that the association of Parents of Road Victims is having in Belgium, and the influence it has on road-safety awareness in the public debate and on drivers in general.

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