Global Women
Client: Global Women
Product: Campaign
Title: A Career Limiting Campaign
Media: Film
Country: New Zealand
Date Of Campaign: December 2019
Background: ??Following research into career derailers for women, Global Women NZ identified ‘motherhood’ (and the stigma around it) as a key factor. Having a baby was shown to take women out of the pipeline to leadership as well as limit their career earning by 12.5%.
Idea: Of all the ridiculous, reckless things you can do at work, it turns out that none of them are as career-limiting as having a baby. But only if you’re a woman. We created a series of darkly funny stop-motion films to point out the absolute absurdity of this situation, to point out the sheer ridiculousness that having a baby could be the most career-limiting thing you can do – if you’re a woman. To call an end to this ‘Motherhood Penalty’ and help drive a national conversation, we created a series of darkly funny stop motion films that show a woman deliberately sabotaging her career, safe in the knowledge that everything she is doing is less career-limiting than getting pregnant. The URL drove viewers to the Global Women website where further resources and tools to help broach the topic for organisations and employees were shared.
Results: This was an awareness-driving campaign and results aren’t being measured.
Not for Profit

