Amazon Prime Video
Client: Amazon Prime Video
Product: Jack Ryan series
Title: Amazon Binge Shopping
Media: Twitter
Country: France
Date Of Campaign: November 5th, 2019
Background: In France, Netflix is the undisputed leader of the entertainment world. A fact that is all the more true on social media, where their share of voice is off the scale compared to that of Amazon Prime Video (who has 40K followers versus Netflix’s 2.7 million). So in order to get noticed, the brand had to use new engagement methods… In France particularly, many people sign up to Amazon Prime for the delivery advantages the service offers (the retail) and about 70% of them don’t even know that their membership also gives them free access to the Prime Video platform (the entertainment). With Jack Ryan, one of its most popular series, Amazon therefore aimed to promote its streaming platform to both Prime members and the general public.
Idea: For the first time, Amazon combined its retail and entertainment worlds to propose a moment ONLY Amazon could offer: #Amazon Binge Shopping. For the launch of the second season of the Jack Ryan series, the brand offered the public the chance to win objects from the series. The idea was that members had to binge-watch the show as quickly as possible (drive-to-watch) and identify the objects on the screen that they wanted to win. There was just one condition… that the exact same object was available on the retail platform (drive-to-buy). If this was the case, they just had to post a photo of it on Twitter using the operation’s hashtag (#AmazonBingeShopping) to confirm their participation.
Results: The operation enabled the launch of the series to obtain unprecedented visibility and awareness: +160% views on the streaming platform, 30M impressions just on Twitter, +5000 participations (tweets) in only 24 hours, n°1 trending topic on Twitter France, +50 international and French press mentions.Furthermore, all the participants and winners had to be Prime members to be able to win objects from the series, so the operation therefore boosted the number of free trial Prime memberships and allowed existing Prime members, who had originally only signed up for the delivery advantages, to discover the streaming platform included in their membership for the first time.
Radical new strategy

