Client: Renfe
Product: Renfe (Spain’s national railway company)
Title: The most expensive work of art
Media: outdoor, ambient, direct, digital
Country: Spain
Date Of Campaign: 27/02/19
Background: Every year, thousands of trains are vandalized and cleaning graffiti costs Renfe, the main rail network in Spain, more than 15 million Euros, an expense we all as Spaniards assume since it is a public company. In addition to the cost, there are the delays caused by the removal of these trains for their restoration; the moments of panic that passengers suffer when graffiti artists activate the emergency level in order to paint in the middle of a journey; and the extra costs of increasing security.
Idea: We transformed the door of a Commuter train that had been removed from circulation and subsequently taken to the workshop in Valladolid for restoration, into a weapon of communication.And thus we presented: The most expensive “work of art” at ARCOmadrid 2019.We exhibited the door at ARCOmadrid, one of the 10 most important art fairs in the world, as if it were a work of art under the message: “This “work of art” is worth more than 15 million Euros. And we all paid for it.”Alongside the door, those attending the fair could participate and see the screening in real time of our reverse auction, which meant that with every impression people left on Twitter with the hashtag #LaObraMásCara we deducted €2,000 from the original price, in order to reach the value that the door should have, €0. The action was also present on our campaign website Through all of this we wanted to invite people to reflect, to open up a debate in order to distinguish between art and barbarism and make society aware that, in the case of trains, graffiti is a luxury that we cannot afford.
Results: 28 FebruaryOrganic trending topicEarned Media €1.4 millionTOTAL SCOPE 24,825,590
Ambient / Guerilla / Outdoor
