
Download Entry Kit
  • All work submitted should have been published or broadcast or activated between October 1st 2020 and March 31st 2022.
  • All entries must be submitted using The Caples Awards standard entry submission structure which asks for the work to be described in terms of
    1. Background
    2. Idea
    3. Results
  • Entrants may submit a presentation board (JPEGs please) to support their standard online submission at entries
  • Videos (MP4 or QuickTime) are welcome and helpful, but no longer than two- minutes in length please.
  • The jury can make as many or as few Gold, Silver, Bronze and Shortlist awards as they see fit in each category. It may be that some categories have no awards at all while others have many.
  • All entries will be judged and scored. All work that reaches Finalist standard will be brought back for all-jury discussion.
  • The organisers may ask for proof of eligibility. In other words, the work should have been produced and paid for in response to a genuine brief. If not, the work will be removed from judging.
  • The judges’ decisions are final.
  • Every entrant is entitled to feedback within one month of the Awards Presentation on Thursday May 19th as to why their submitted work did or did not win an award.
  • All entrants grant permission to The Caples Awards Ltd. to use their entry materials in any publications, videos, exhibitions and roadshows that the Caples Awards Ltd. may deem necessary to promote the awards unless the entrant provides a disclaimer in the submission requesting otherwise.
  • The Caples Awards Ltd is not responsible for the payment of royalties or other charges against the activities mentioned. Each entrant agrees not to hold The Caples Awards Ltd. liable against any claims concerning the materials submitted.


The Caples Awards started out as a show that recognised creativity in direct marketing. Today, a campaign’s success can be measured in clicks, likes, shares and media impressions and where possible we like to see the quantitative results of the work. Ideally, with the bottom line numbers. Sales.

That said, jurors are guided by results, not ruled by them. They are looking for originality and inventiveness first.

Results are not expected in the two new categories which house ‘traditional’ advertising, PRINT ADVERTISING and TV and VIDEO ADVERTISING.


We understand that some brand owners are reluctant to give any information away which their competitors could find useful.

On the other hand, that information could enhance your prospects of an award.

If you make clear in your submission that the results supplied are for the judges’ eyes only, we will make sure they are never published anywhere outside the virtual jury room.