Client: easypaisa
Product: easypaisa
Title: Audio Nikahnama
Media: Mobile. Online. Social. Public spaces.
Country: Pakistan
Date Of Campaign: Jan 17, 2024
Background: More than half of all Pakistani women cannot read. Which means that they cannot read one of the most important legal documents in their lives: their marriage contract. They are usually made to sign a document that often removes their right to divorce and entraps them in financial uncertainty.
Idea: So we brought to them the country's first ever Audio Nikahnama: an audio guide and reading of the marriage contract. Accessible anytime, anywhere, from any mobile phone or landline and also accessible through an app. This was a first for the country.
Results: 57 million impressions on the campaign led to more than 35,000 calls made to the hotline from across the country. For the brand, 200,000 new sign ups increased our female user base by 6%, while increasing top-of-mind awareness for the brand amongst women by 7%. This is immensely important to bring unbanked women into a financial savings system and signaled an incredible response and openness.For the first time, an immense conversation has been sparked off nationally. Millions of women are now aware of the need to read their marriage contract, especially understanding financial implications, a topic considered taboo. Discussions are now in place to push for legislation which mandates a marriage registrar to ask the bride specifically whether she has understood her marriage contract.
Not for Profit