Every Kiwi Vote Counts
Client: Every Kiwi Vote Counts
Product: Overseas Voting
Title: Australia Decides
Media: Social, PR, OOH
Country: New Zealand
Date Of Campaign: 25/9/2023 - 4/10/2023
Background: In July 2020, an independent, non-partisan initiative was set up to encourage overseas New Zealanders (known as ‘Kiwis’) to participate in New Zealand’s national Election on October 14. This would decide the parliament and leadership of the nation for the next three-year-term.Initially named iVoteNZ, it was founded on the belief that democracy only works if we are all part of it.New Zealand has one of the largest proportions of nationals living overseas, second only to Ireland. There are close to one million Kiwi overseas (the majority in Australia, followed by the UK and US) : That’s nearly another 20% of the country’s 5M population, including a quarter of our tertiary educated adults. So, you would certainly want to have their input on the future of the country.OUR OBJECTIVESCreate maximum reach, cut-through and social currencyDrive voter engagement and turnoutUltimately, increase voter impact
Idea: Imagine letting your greatest rival decide the fate of your future. That's what New Zealand did when they shockingly handed over control to Australia and let them cast the deciding votes in the 2023 New Zealand election.You see, there are only 6 million Kiwis in the world, but 700,000 live in Australla. That's a large percentage of potential voters who could sway the results in a tight count. So, non-partisan initiative, Every Kiwi Vote Counts, launched a campaign fronted by a cocky and condescending Aussie who encouraged all Kiwis living in Australia to vote back in their mother country.