Raparigas da Bola
Client: Raparigas da Bola
Product: Raparigas da Bola
Title: Change The News
Media: Digital
Country: Portugal
Date Of Campaign: 7th March, 2022
Background: ´Raparigas da Bola` (Ball Girls) is an advocacy group that fights to give more visibility to women in sports. After the success of last year’s campaign, Raparigas da Bola wanted a new idea to fight for gender equality in sports, to be launched during International Women's Day 2022. With no budget to work with, we also had the challenge of coming up with an idea that could convince athletes, journalists, and influencers to take part in the movement and spread the word to a wider audience.
Idea: For the first time, we gave the Portuguese the opportunity to see the biggest sports newspaper in the country covering only female athletes, proving that there is more than plenty of female-athlete news that’s worthy of making the front cover. For 5 days in a row, during the week of International Women’s Day, Raparigas da Bola changed the status quo of news outlets. They did so by taking advantage of AR - Augmented Reality - which allowed everyone who accessed www.raparigasnabola.pt to have the experience of seeing and sharing the news of the day of Portugal's biggest-selling Sports Newspaper with female-athlete only content.
Results: The idea gave visibility to 35 different teams and 244 female athletes from 13 different sports, proving that there’s no lack of news-worthy, female-athlete stories out there.Lots of influencers took part in the movement, helping the idea to have more than 5 million impacts on social media, which represents half of Portugal's population. Some of the most-followed Portuguese influencers and athletes shared the videos of their experience on the website.The pressure was such that in the following weeks, female athletes were the main feature of the newspaper for 5 times - something that the newspaper had never done before.
