Client: AROYA / METER Group, Inc. USA
Product: AROYA cannabis production platform
Title: Freedom Grams
Media: Product, POS, Website, Social Media, PR
Country: USA
Date Of Campaign: 04/20/2022
Background: Cannabis has been widely legalized in the U.S. While most people in the U.S. enjoy the benefits of cannabis legalization, 40,000 are still in prison for it, forgotten by the public. How can we get those who enjoy cannabis freely to fight for those who lost their freedom for it?
Idea: Freedom Grams. A cannabis brand that makes consumers aware that others are still in prison for amounts they can legally buy today. All proceeds fund legal action to get them out.The design system is based on prison bars from which generative typography breaks free, symbolizing the project’s theme of liberation. The custom variable type has two fonts: extended and condensed. Each character was constructed from two perspectives: from inside the grid and outside to show the contradiction between the treatment of consumers and those in prison. The monogram of the brand represents the odd amounts (in grams) of cannabis, precise up to one decimal point. The branded matchbook is relief printed and attached to each package, reminding consumers that they can ignite change. The label generator tool allows even non-designers to generate the custom type and create Freedom Grams labels easily.From the packaging, the stories unfold through AR and on a website, with all cases and ways to act: like signing petitions, contacting senators, and joining local groups. The editorial section on the website guides the user with data and evocative photography on cannabis consumption and prisons in the U.S. Anyone can submit more cases to feature, and anyone from the cannabis industry can use the labels on their products to join the initiative.
Results: Founded by members of the cannabis industry AROYA and GABY Inc. along with nonprofit Last Prisoner Project, Freedom Grams is a platform for the industry and its consumers, giving them the chance to use their own freedom to free others. Launched on 4/20 2022 through Mankind California, the first batch sold out right away. With new partners joining from other states, the initiative just keeps growing. In October 2022, President Biden issued a pardon for federal cannabis prisoners. While this is a first step in the right direction, the initiative continues to fight for the prisoners who come under the jurisdiction of different states.

