Dole Sunshine Company
Client: Dole Sunshine Company
Product: Fruit
Title: No Fruit Should Be Forbidden
Media: Letter published in La Repubblica, plus owned and earned media including social and PR in the UK and Europe
Country: UK and Europe including Italy
Date Of Campaign: July 2022
Background: Poor diet kills more people globally than tobacco and high blood pressure, and malnutrition is the world’s greatest societal challenge according to the Global Nutrition Report. To help fight this issue, and promote a healthier diet, ‘Dole Sunshine Company’, the largest fruit provider in the world, committed to getting good nutrition to all who need it, wanted to get the world talking about the importance of fruit.
Idea: On International Fruit Day 2022, we wrote a tongue-in-cheek letter to His Holiness, Pope Francis, to rectify the biggest PR disaster in the history of fruit: the calamity of Original Sin. Published in the only newspaper he reads, La Repubblica, the letter sought to redeem the reputation of the ‘forbidden fruit’. We didn’t ask for a lot. Just a tiny change to the Bible, replacing the word “fruit” for any other unhealthy snack, like doughnuts. Tapping into the world’s biggest influencer, without really expecting him to lift a finger. Today, more than ever, no fruit should be forbidden. The letter – a humorous and unprecedented plea to the Pontiff – is designed to spark global dialogue around the importance of fruit for a nutritious diet and focus on fruit’s benefits and overall global accessibility.
Results: Shared far and wide in international media. 784 outlets, from Design Taxi to Bloomberg. 55M+ media impressions. Approximately $2.2M in earned media. Estimated audience of around 248M. Not bad for a single print ad on one day.

