Testicular Cancer Society
Client: Testicular Cancer Society
Product: Testicular Cancer Awarnes
Title: Wall Street Balls
Media: Social Media
Country: United States
Date Of Campaign: 12 October 2022
Background: Research shows that 1 in 250 men will develop testicular cancer. Regular self-examination increases the chances of early detection and treatment. But most men still don’t perform regular self-checks, and even fewer speak about it openly. In partnership with the Testicular Cancer Society, we found a way to break the stigma, get more people talking about self-checks, and help normalize the behavior of reminding men to do them.
Idea: The Wall Street Bull’s balls are a tourist attraction. Because thousands of people check them out during their visits to New York, they would most likely post a picture of them on their social media platforms. On a limited budget, we saw an opportunity to raise awareness for testicular cancer by leveraging the behavior of posting pictures of touching or “checking” the Wall Street Bull’s balls. In a light-hearted campaign, we hijacked the Wall Street’s Bull’s “most checked balls on earth” to turn social media comments into life-saving reminders. The campaign used social listening to detect every post online featuring the famous bull’s balls and responded with witty reminders for men to check in on their own instead. Each comment directed them to a quick and easy self-examination tutorial to watch or share.
Results: The unique tone and humor of the campaign helped break the stigma around self-examination and testicular cancer online. Over 25 000 unique comments were posted in numerous languages – reaching audiences from 21 different countries. The campaign reached over 2M people, achieving $110 000 in earned media with $0 media spend.
Not for Profit
