Dyslexia Scotland
"There´s Nothing Comic About Dyslexia"

Client: Dyslexia Scotland
Product: There´s Nothing Comic About Dyslexia
Title: There´s Nothing Comic About Dyslexia
Media: Magazine, Street Posters, Postcards, Website, Social Channels, WeTransfer
Country: Germany
Date Of Campaign: 03.10.2022

Background: Comic Sans is the most polarising font to date, due to its highly asymmetrical nature. While this irregularity makes it popular amongst the dyslexic community, it is also what makes designers despise it so much.So, we decided to launch a campaign that faces designers with their arch-nemesis, wherever they looked, there was Comic Sans wittingly calling on them to adopt a more inclusive mindset. Not by overlooking their hatred of it and using it, but by designing new fonts that are both dyslexia-friendly and worthy of their designs at the same time.

Idea: By using Comic Sans as the hero of our direct campaign, we were guaranteed to grab the attention of the people who can influence change when it comes to design inclusivity. The campaign uses the most hated font by the design world, which also happens to be the most favoured font by dyslexic people, to challenge designers to bridge the gap between aesthetics and function. And that is by creating fonts that are both dyslexia-friendly and beautiful at the same time.

Results: The campaign caught the eye of the design and creative industries, sparking reactions and conversations on social media.Miami Ad School Europe launched an inclusive design class.WeTransfer stamped our call on their digital walls.35 million Global Impressions.5 million Earned Media.+15k downloads of Inconstant Regular, which inspired work that helps 780 million people feel more included in society.

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