Anne Frank House Amsterdam
Client: Anne Frank House Amsterdam
Product: The Bookcase For Tolerance App
Title: The Bookcase For Tolerance
Media: App, Digital, Social Media, AR
Country: Germany, Netherlands
Date Of Campaign: 16.11.2021
Background: In 2020, Dutch police registered a 12% increase in discrimination reports over the previous year, Germany recorded 23k far-right attacks, and the US reached their highest number of racially motivated crimes in decades. The Anne Frank House wanted to introduce a new platform to engage the public on the discussions around growing antisemitism, racism, inequality, and prejudice.
Idea: Between 1942 and 1944, Anne Frank escaped Nazi persecution by living in a secret annex concealed by a custom-built bookcase. Eighty years later, young adults are facing a sharp rise in discrimination, and just like her, needed their stories and struggles to be heard. We repurposed Anne's iconic bookcase and turned it into an AR app, so visitors could explore 3D-rendered, true-to-life models of the rooms of Anne Frank and four young people suffering modern day persecution, interacting with personal objects and listening to audio clips. With the power of their testimonials, The Bookcase for Tolerance helps fight discrimination through education.
Results: Education is a powerful way to counter antisemitism, prejudice, inequality, and discrimination. By sharing personal stories of young people who face intolerance in their daily lives, we sparked debates in Dutch society and introduced our message in classrooms across Europe, changing the perception towards those who are considered "different". The app was downloaded in 100+ countries, in just 48 hours, and now serves as a permanent educational platform at the Anne Frank House. The project was uploaded to main social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. In the span of a week, the app and docuseries quickly reached thousands of views. But most importantly, it generated multiple comments of people’s support, as well as those who feel the need to openly discuss the subject.
