Telefónica Germany / o2 Deutschland
Client: Telefónica Germany / o2 Deutschland
Product: o2 my Home
Title: The Every Home in Minecraft
Media: Online-Game Minecraft, Live-Stream with Influencers on Twitch
Country: Germany
Date Of Campaign: 04/07/2022
Background: No matter what kind of internet connection you need: o2 has the right internet for every home. From DSL connections to 5G-based WiFi and up to super-fast fiber optic Internet. But still, o2 isn’t the first choice among gamers.We wanted to get the attention of the gaming community and show that o2 has the right solution for their needs – on the media they spend the most time on.
Idea: Introducing: the o2 Every Home in Minecraft – an in-game architectural masterpiece in Germany’s most popular online game, representing all the typical residential buildings; from simple to noble, from urban to rural.To build it we fully exploited the digital limits of Minecraft, with more than 100 different types of homes using nearly 300,000 blocks. We launched this in an exciting event on Twitch, together with four German influencer giants: @rewinside, @Dhalucard, @Papaplatte, and @Varion. In a joint live session, they built a jump ‘n’ run parkour in front of 265,000 viewers and watched their followers race for the best time.
Results: Throughout the two-hour live stream, we dominated the German-speaking Minecraft category on Twitch and o2 was mentioned countless times and was a topic almost throughout. Resulting in 17 million contacts, 5 million minutes spent with the brand, and more than 70,000 chat messages. But most importantly: everyone in our target audience now knows that o2 has internet for every home.

