Alzheimer Forschung Initiative e.V.
Client: Alzheimer Forschung Initiative e.V.
Product: Science Research
Media: Social Media
Country: Germany
Date Of Campaign: from 8/12/2022
Background: Alzheimer Forschung Initiative („Alzheimer Research Initiative“) is a non-profit organisation based in Germany dedicated to helping find a cure for Alzheimer.They independently fund promising research and to do so they urgently need donations.We were tasked with creating an ad that motivates its viewers to donate for their cause.
Idea: We let our audience experience Alzheimer – as a glitch.In collaboration with neuroscientists, we created a video showing a patient’s POV. Her life turns more and more difficult, as Alzheimer glitches merge her day-to-day into one confusing stream of experiences. The glitches' were inspired by datamosh art, referencing video compression errors blending otherwise unconnected scenes with each other.
Results: A total of ±130k views on YouTube, an accompanying newsletter with 8.82% unique clicks and a Spiegel Wissen newsletter banner with a 0.1% click rate from 90,000 recipients led to over 5000 landing page visits - the foundation for our lead generation.

