Client: Jarden
Product: The Creative Index
Title: The Creative Index
Media: OOH, Film, Social
Country: Australia
Date Of Campaign: October 2022-January 2023
Background: Creativity is not seen as a vital factor in Australia’s national prosperity compared to traditional industries like mining. Yet there is no greater force shaping the future of Australia’s economy. That's why DDB, in conjunction with investment and advisory firm Jarden, launched the Creative Index. The Index shows a live economic value of creative thinking to the Australian economy by aggregating the market value of ASX200 companies that rely on creativity to fuel their growth. It has shown that Australia’s top creative companies have outperformed their competitors by 56% since 2012. It was created in the same manner as an ESG fund, with companies required to meet a range of criteria to prove their creativity. The companies identified for the Index update every quarter to reflect relevant business changes. The Index is now being adopted by major Australian companies, from SEEK to Treasury Wine Estates, and has already been used by boards to engage shareholders, attract future talent, celebrate creativity, create staff engagement programs, and showcase innovation. It is rolling out to the New Zealand stock exchange in April 2023.
Idea: The Index shows a live economic value of creative thinking to the Australian economy by aggregating the market value of ASX200 companies that rely on creativity to fuel their growth. It has shown that Australia’s top creative companies have outperformed their competitors by 56% since 2012.
Results: Proved - Since 2023 ASX Listed companies on the creative index have outperformed the market By 56.8%
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