Switchboard LGBT+
Client: Switchboard LGBT+
Product: Free 0800 Phone Number
Title: The Call
Media: Online
Country: England
Date Of Campaign: 03/03/2023
Background: Founded in 1974, Switchboard is a confidential and non-judgemental listening service for LGBT+ people. With an explosive rise in hate crime in the UK, this community is in dire need of safe spaces and support. However, Switchboard lacked a strong social media presence and needed to reach a younger demographic not just to alert them to the new free phone 0800 number but to demonstrate the power of human connection which is at the heart of the service.
Idea: “The Call" is the 14-minute story of Amir who is struggling with their sexuality. Rejected by his mother and unable to stay with his father, he finds emotional support in talking to Switchboard volunteers at three crucial stages of his journey to self-acceptance.
Results: The film was launched in Central London in March 2023 and supported by Digital OOH and social media. The response was immediate and impressive with attention from both industry press and LGBT+ news outlets providing a combined readership of 7 million people leading to 39,700 views in four weeks.The film has been nominated for Campaign of the Year in The Bank of London Rainbow Honours awards. More crucially, the average number of calls Switchboard answers per year has risen from 15,000 to 32,000. In the first week alone, 610 people started conversations.
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