Diak Romako
Client: Diak Romako
Product: Romako Employer Pool
Title: Romani Rejection Letters
Media: Direct mail campaign directed at Finnish companies
Country: Finland
Date Of Campaign: 2023-01-16
Background: The Romani community in Finland faces constant racist discrimination when applying for work. Even though people of Romani descent are more educated than before, finding a job seems impossible and all applications seem to end in a rejection letter.
Idea: Diak Romako opened an employer pool, in which companies state that they are willing to employ people of Romani descent.To help drive companies to join the pool, we returned hundreds of rejection letters collected from the Romani community directly to the companies that had originally sent them. The rejection letters were accompanied with an attachment that invited the company to join the employer pool if the applicant's Romani background wasn't an issue.
Results: Campaign reach: 23,7 million with zero media spendNational discussion started about the treatment of Romani people in the workforce+100% growth in companies in employer pool on launch day
Direct Mail