Product: Bodyright
Title: Bodyright - The worlds first copyright for the human body
Media: Digital
Country: Global
Date Of Campaign: 2021-08-17
Background: With the rise of social media platforms, people have started to alter their own images leading to scary consequences. Being unrelentingly exposed to altered images has been linked to a range of mental health issues, setting unrealistic body ideals that are impossible to achieve. Currently, 90% of young women report using a filter or editing their photos before posting, Snapchat dysmorphia is on the rise driving an obsession with perceived floors in people’s faces and bodies. In 2019, Instagram and Facebook’s own internal study found they make body image issues worse for 1/3 teen girls. This relentless exposure to highly altered and unrealistic imagery has caused us to measure our own appearance against unachievable and unrealistic expectations. But we know if we can expose everyone to unaltered, natural, diverse and real imagery, standards shift in response and people feel more comfortable with how we all really look.We needed to find a simple way to identify and celebrate the unaltered representation of the human body across all platforms and channels.
Idea: Bodyright is a movement that aims to end unethical retouching/misrepresentation of the human body. Our tool is a copyright for the human body. A Bodyright. We are fuelled by the belief that #nobodyiswrong. It’s not a campaign or an ad, it’s a symbol for anyone to use – a tool to protect your body image. It signifies the body of the person in the image hasn’t been digitally altered. Bodyright aims to get people embracing their body and actively choosing not to manipulate what it looks like. Using this collective power, we aim to inspire people and brands to stop selling a fake reality.
Results: Since launch 17-08-2021, 2500 influencers have joined the movement, Hundreds of posts and stories have used the Bodyright symbol. Two of NZ's biggest advertisers have committed to the Bodyright Policy to not use unethical retouching in their advertising. 5 official photographers have come onboard and New Zealand's most reknown retoucher has become Bodyright accredited. Has reached over 80 percent of New Zealand’s population through earned, social and brand sponsored activity and reached millions more across social support around the world.
Radical New Strategy

