Wunderman Thompson Thailand

The 1 Central Limited
"The 1 The Trainee"

Client: The 1 Central Limited
Product: The 1 APP
Title: The 1 The Trainee
Media: TVC and Social Media
Country: Thailand
Date Of Campaign: 2 December 2021

Background: The 1 is a department store membership program with which members can redeem points for various privileges. Now, the program is also available online through The 1 App, which allows easy access to even more members’ rewards and offers. However, despite having 19 million members, only 2 million of them are active users. The rest are unaware of the huge loss of exclusive privileges they’re missing out on the new app. We need to introduce The 1 App and establish its branding.

Idea: Last year, only 2 million of 19 million The 1 members redeemed their privileges. To remind non-active users just how many privileges they stand to gain – and lose – on The 1’s new online app, The 1 launched an online short film about a lost-and-found department where millions of forfeited privileges were left unredeemed.The story follows a new trainee who is assigned to inform The 1 members about their lost privileges while introducing The 1 App and its features. Can the trainee hold true to his oath even while getting shunned and mistreated?

Results: From the script to the film technique itself, every aspect of the film was used to create a piece of entertainment, not just advertising film. Instead of using digital and CG visuals as other membership apps, we meticulously crafted every scene with Wes Anderson-like art direction. We even use 4:3 ratio to make the visual distinctive. The entertaining storyline and The 1's key messages were blended as one, unlike an advertisement film, which separates the fun part to hook the audience then another boring half that shows product demos or key messages.Within 1 monthApp Download +95%Monthly Active User +41%An all-time high for The 1 App

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