Gruner + Jahr Germany / Stern
Client: Gruner + Jahr Germany / Stern
Product: Stern
Title: Dyslexia Unetided
Media: Print, Online, TV
Country: Germany
Date Of Campaign: 09/30/2021
Background: 1 in 5 peple is dislexic. however, thy are often viewed as les inteligent based on there inabilletyto spell properly. this is despite there beeing severeal sucsessful wrigthers CEOs and nobel oriats. In the mainstreem media dislexia is usualy etided out.
Idea: Dislexia Unetided is an inishative to make dislexia more visable. lanched by me, Kai West Schlosser, an artdirector living with dislexia.
Results: on dislexia awarnesday 2021 germanys leading magazine stern publisged an artikle full of spelling errors for the fist time in its 70 years. my storry, my perspective, unetided. Starting with print and digital, my story made its way to telavision and podcast. the respinse was tremendise: - Top article online on stern 4 days in a row. - 37+ Milion contacts - 500+ mesiges form suporters – dislexics and non dislexics alike.- i was even nominated for the Axel Springer jurnalistic yung talent award.The overwelming response led to a campanje websigth – – where peple culd lern more and become a part of the campanje.
Radical New Strategy

