UN Women Lebanon
Client: UN Women Lebanon
Product: Women's Rights NGO
Title: #TheMissingPeace
Media: TV Stunt / Newspaper stunt / Twitter Activation / Tweet Reduction Tool / Billboard
Country: Lebanon
Date Of Campaign: November 15, 2021
Background: For years, the fate of Lebanon and its people has rested in the hands of half of the population: men. For years, women were missing from Lebanon’s political scene. And for over 40 years, so-called national dialogues and peace agreements were carried out by one gender: men. When 50% of the Lebanese population is not given a seat at the table, the decision-making processes put in place cannot and will not represent all the Lebanese society. And the dialogue will be missing. Through this campaign, UN Women Lebanon aimed to raise awareness on the importance of women’s engagement in peace and security deliberations in Lebanon.The idea was to pave the way to ensure that women are well represented in the upcoming peace-building conversations as equal participation is directly linked to more durable solutions and sustainable outcomes.
Idea: - Women make up 50% of the population in Lebanon. - Yet, women have 0% participation in key decision-making - With 50% of the population absent from the dialogue, the conversation is missing.Our idea: Remove 50 % of the alphabets' letters, to create a dysfunctional alphabet and showcase the dysfunctional dialogue. The Missing Peace campaign wants to show what missing peace dialogues look like.It’s about time to complete #TheMissingPeace.
Results: Our 1-day campaign tackling a “niche” topic:TRENDED ORGANICALLY #1 FOR 3 DAYS despite a cluster of bad news garnering 14.7 interactions from +61 countries • +160 prominent celebrities/influencers/public figures engaged with our Tweet including Elissa (15.7M), Maya Diab (1.5M) and Nadine Labaki (761K)• UN Women Lebanon Twitter’s mentions jumped from 90 to 1000/weekly (+1036%) The conversation around women’s rights in Lebanon leveled up by 325% the week of the campaign finally putting women at the front seat of public debateIn one day in a country of 6M:- +693M Total Impressions including a reach of 93.1M- 650K engagements - 68% of the yearly UN Women Lebanon mentions on Twitter +$658K in earned media:• Annahar: +500K website visits and 80,000 print impressions• LBC: +2.2M views on prime-time segment with 20 minutes free airtime-International coverage, including BBC and Period. Studio
Not for Profit

