Samsung New Zealand
Client: Samsung New Zealand
Product: Samsung mobile phones
Title: Samsung iTest
Media: iPhones, OOH, in store, digital
Country: New Zealand
Date Of Campaign: April 2021 - ongoing
Background: The Apple ecosystem is a fortress. It’s hard for brands to get in... and even harder to get users out.One of the biggest barriers to getting people to consider switching to Samsung is that they’re worried they won’t know how to use the android operating system.They fear it’s too foreign and they’ll be lost.
Idea: We put the Samsung operating system onto our biggest rival’s devices.Samsung iTest is designed to be fun, informational, and of course, just a little cheeky. No matter what you tap, you’ll discover a myriad of features - and be entertained.Everything from messages to themes, and even a fully playable game, can be explored.A guided tour also shows off Samsung’s best features. Naturally, all this had to be built as a web app to avoid the App Store.The experience is advertised through a mix of channels, with particular focus on reaching people who are considering a new phone. These include ads in and around phone stores, and online messages that talk to iPhone users who are searching for information about new devices.
Results: So far, over 12M iPhone users have test driven a Samsung. And the numbers are still growing.