Cereals Partners France
Client: Cereals Partners France
Product: Lion Cereals
Title: The Roar Map
Media: Digital / Social Media / Game
Country: France
Date Of Campaign: 04/07/2020
Background: For 3 years, LION Cereals France have been integrating gaming into itsmarketing mix in order to reach their core audience, with a strong focus onesports. But none of those events took place during the pandemic... Leavinggamers in permanent need for new forms of entertainment. We needed anengaging activation for gamers at home and to get natural brand presence onplatforms they use on a daily basis.
Idea: Every brand with an interest in gaming literally dreams of assuring brandpresence in a popular video game. Here is the catch though: you don't wantto force it! But rather keep the gaming experience fun and genuine.How could LION Cereals integrate its brand DNA into one of the trendiestgames in the French Twitch ecosystem?Well, you pick a game where your presence is natural already: likeGeoguessr. A super accessible browser game where you get dropped on arandom point on the planet on StreetView and need to find your exactlocation on a map.Lucky for us, there are thousands of iconic lions all over the world (real lions,statues, street art, etc.) We just had to create our very own game mode,where gamers had to find their location, starting from one of these lions.With the Roar Map we created our own branded game mode in a trendingvideo game, for free.Most importantly, we reached gamers through a discreet yet effectiveactivation that genuinely integrated the LION Cereal brand into their Twitchcontent consumption habits... Getting their favorite content creators to havea great time playing our map & consolidating engagement & brand affinityon Twitch, Twitter & Youtube.The Roar Map made LION Cereals more than just your regular cerealbrand, it became a true game companion.
Results: We made it into a video game for 0€ and crafted a branding initiative that has been welcomed by the streamers and their community at large : Our stream party made it to the Twitch frontpage and got French gamers craving some LION Cereal.200k unique viewers watched the event live on Twitch and hundreds of thousands of gamers enjoyed our VODs on YouTube.In the end, the Roar Map generated more than 4.5M minutes of genuine branded content viewed. But gamers did more than just watch the event, they interacted with the brand on Twitter, helping us reach 3.5M impressions with a 24.1% organic engagement rate.
Radical new strategy
