BBDO New York

Color Of Change
"Pedestal Project"

Client: Color Of Change
Product: Color Of Change
Title: Pedestal Project
Media: OOH, AR, Social
Country: USA
Date Of Campaign: 2/1/2021

Background: In 2020, racial inequalities reached a tipping point in America. Color of Change, the country’s largest online racial justice organization wanted to create a campaign that helped combat oppressive symbols of racism that have been glorified in towns and cities across the country.

Idea: Confederate statues that are long standing symbols of America’s racist past were brought down all across the country. Leaving behind empty pedestals in their wake. We created an Augmented Reality experience on Instagram that gave people the power to place symbols of equality where symbols of racism once stood- using their phone. All by repurposing an element of America’s racist past for a hopeful future. Featured in the experience are prominent Black Civil Rights activists like Congressman John Lewis, Black Lives Matter Co-founder Alicia Garza and Activist Chelsea Miller. We wanted our AR statues to not just be likenesses of our Activists but be visual homages to their life’s work. Each statue captures a moment that cements their passion for racial justice. Like seeing a young John Lewis, hand raised, brow furrowed, tie flying and mid-stride depicted during The March on Washington in 1963. To create these, we worked with Black fine artist Spencer Evans who created detailed 2D sketches that were then rendered into 3D sculptures. When launched, users could also listen to an immersive audio experience and hear the activists talk about why change is worth fighting for. Launched at the start of Black History Month, the campaign helped replace centuries of hate with hope, all using a phone.

Results: With zero media dollars spent and over 600 million impressions earned in the month we promoted the campaign, the impact was strong across 48 countries who saw, read, experienced, and shared the initiative. Color Of Change saw a 200% spike in their website traffic, and the brand was searched for 1.5x times more on the day of launch. It got us to 50K signatures of the online petition. The response saw 96% positive sentiment in February, compared to 80% with Black History Month content on the internet.

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