Monica Lewinsky
Client: Monica Lewinsky
Product: Monica Lewinsky
Title: @GoodnessBot
Media: Twitter
Country: Global
Date Of Campaign: 10/30/2019
Background: The internet is filled with cyberbullies and trolls. 41% of U.S. adults have personally experienced harassing or abusive behavior online, while another 28% admit to being abusive to a stranger online themselves.In an attempt to give people the tools to fight this barrage of online abuse, anti-bullying activist Monica Lewinsky created the @GoodnessBot, bot designed to replace negativity with positivity in that most toxic of online environments: Twitter.
Idea: The @GoodnessBot gives users a simple, safe and effective way to stand up to their Twitter bullies–or intervene on someone’s behalf.When people see a mean tweet, they just have to reply to it with “@GoodnessBot”, and the bot immediately goes to work. It seeks out negative nouns, verbs and adjectives, and replaces them with positive antonyms, inverting the meaning of the original tweet.A tweet like “Fuck you, stupid bitch!” thus becomes “Bless you, savvy mermaid!”.
Results: The bot was launched on NBC’s “Today Show” and attracted 18 thousand followers in 54 countries in the first day alone. It notched 125 million Twitter impressions and received an overwhelmingly positive response - particularly from victims of cyberbullying. “I needed to hear this. I’ve been bullied for far too long,” tweeted one user. “Delighted to find out about the GoodnessBot today, ready to unleash on any trolls,” wrote another.
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