New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation
Client: New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation
Product: Health Awareness
Title: Pre Check
Media: -
Country: New Zealand
Date Of Campaign: 01.10.2019-31.10.2019
Background: One in nine New Zealand women will get breast cancer. But unfortunately, 98% of NZ women don’t know the 9 symptoms of breast cancer. They don’t know how to check or what to check for, which leaves them vulnerable. Yet women touch their phones over 2000 times a day. So, we turned to something women are comfortable touching into a chance to practice a lifesaving breast self-check.
Idea: Unfortunately, 98% of NZ women don’t know the 9 symptoms of breast cancer. Which leaves them vulnerable. So, we turned the fact we touch our phones over 2000 times a day into a chance to practice a self-check. Pre Check used haptic technology, from your phone’s in-built hardware, to simulate a virtual self-check. We mapped hundreds of haptic touch points over a 3D rendered breast, so that when touched, they triggered unique sequences of haptic vibrations and sound effects. The intensities and durations of this feedback was carefully designed to recreate the feeling of each breast cancer symptom. As a result, it actually feels like your phone screen has lumps, bumps and dimples.Through one-to-one engagement, we showed women what to look for and then, through personalised reminders and notifications, ensured self-checks became potentially life-saving routines. Pre Check is available for free to all Kiwi women.
Results: Pre Check became the #1 Health App. And has been seen by more than half of the New Zealand population. It has the potential to prevent 10,000 late stage diagnoses and the death of 650 NZ women every year.
Not for Profit

