Universidade Lusófona, ISCAL 260, Universidade de Madeira, Universidade de Évora, Universidade do Algarve, ISAL, Universidade Autônoma de Lisboa, Universidade Aberta, Queen Elizabeth's School
Client: Universidade Lusófona, ISCAL 260, Universidade de Madeira, Universidade de Évora, Universidade do Algarve, ISAL, Universidade Autônoma de Lisboa, Universidade Aberta, Queen Elizabeth's School
Product: termsagainstbullying.com
Title: TermsAgainstBullying
Media: Web/Mobile
Country: Hungary
Date Of Campaign: 1 Oct 2019
Background: Cyberbullying has been a growing problem lately. A recent study has suggested that bullied teenagers are three times more likely to commit suicide. In Europe – where cyberbullying is punishable by imprisonment – the situation is severe: victims are still discredited, or afraid to report it. But bullies are free to use their smartphones as a weapon to spread hatred, especially on WhatsApp, which is a popular platform of conversation for youngsters. Unfortunately, due to its indestructible, end-to-end encryption WhatsApp has turned into a safe haven for bullies to act.
Idea: We had an unique and groundbreaking approach to attack this problem. It all came from one simple discovery, that no one had realized before: every mobile provider has an anti-violence clause in their "Terms & Condition". It informs costumers that anyone using the service for bullying will, by law, have their contract cancelled. So we teamed up with nine universities in Portugal, and created www.termsagainstbullying.com, a website that allowed victims to anonymously report the aggressors number to his mobile provider.
Results: We analyzed more than 157 mobile providers' contracts in Europe. We crossed data with our mobile recognition system, and made these contracts available on our platform. We created 20 individual, digitalized hand-drawings explaining the many different forms of cyber harrassment, from stalking and fake profiling to trolling and outing. Since the launch of the campaign more than 60 countries have signed up to the projects, and more than 1600 individual reports have been filed for cyberbulying, while the campaign has earned 20M US dollar worth of media impression, and reached 300M people worldwide.
