Client: Beck´s
Product: Beck´s
Title: Heroes Of The Night
Media: Digital Service App for Branded Entertainment
Country: Launch in the German App Store but available in 155 countries and English language.
Date Of Campaign: April 29th, 2019
Background: Beck’s has a strong fan base in the party community. It’s the traditional beer in clubs and on festivals. It’s a key goal of the brand to stay relevant and enrich peoples live with helpful innovations that create value. To interact and communicate with the Beck’s target group WhatsApp is by far the most relevant channel. 97% of Germans between 18 and 29 are using WhatsApp for their communication. But compared to other social channels WhatsApp is hard to enter for brands. There was an insight needed why users should open their “door” and let a brand in. By offering utilities that provides entertainment and fun.
Idea: The world’s first app that transforms WhatsApp group chats into fully personalized, action-packed comic strips. Everything is made possible combining an intelligent software and a pool of 300 pre-drawn illustrations by famous German comic illustrator Matthias Schardt. The software can choose out of ten hero characters to pair one of them with each group member that fits the best. The dialog is automatically edited and integrated into the comic frames in chronological order. Colored in the brand‘s red and green the frames work with every thinkable text. A stringent and at the same time open choice of motifs was key. In order to let the dialog create the story – like in the group chat! To guarantee a fully immersive experience the software adapts also time of sending and puts the located city skylines in the background.
Results: The app was celebrated by lifesytle and tech-press and delivered amazing results in downloads. The app is evaluated in average with 4,5 stars. Right after the launch the app ranked on the third place in the Appstore with Amazon und Netflix and was the only brand in the Top 50 that is not based in entertainment sector. Until today more than 3,500 Posters were ordered by users.
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