Client: E.ON
Product: Energy Supplier
Title: Pollution, Personalised
Media: Outdoor
Country: United Kingdom
Date Of Campaign: November 2019, January 2020
Background: Air pollution is the UK’s number one public health priority, contributing to 1 in 20 deaths, with traffic being one of the major causes. Our future generations are most at risk - the toxic particles are more concentrated near to the ground, meaning children inhale more than adults do.But E.ON, one of the UK’s largest energy suppliers, is on a mission to engage consumers around the air quality crisis by offering innovative clean energy technologies. The problem is, air pollution is largely invisible in the UK. Research has shown that 63% of people have put it to the back of their minds because they can’t see it. So how could E.ON highlight the threat posed by this unseen killer in cities that have a traffic pollution problem - and reveal its plans to introduce a network of ultrafast electric vehicle charge points to help solve the issue?
Idea: We personalised the issue through DOOH: a live video feed turned each poster into an interactive ‘mirror’, inviting people to engage to find out how bad pollution levels were on that street.When people approached, the air quality in that location was displayed by pulling in live pollution data. To put the danger into context, the World Health Organisation guidelines for what is deemed unsafe were also shown.Then, a responsive, augmented reality visualisation of the surrounding pollution was activated, immersing the people who were interacting with the poster. It was visibly thicker nearer the ground, to highlight the increased danger that children face. Facial recognition tracked the pollution to people’s mouths to make it look like they were breathing the particles in. The poster then announced E.ON’s forthcoming network of EV charge points, before driving people online to find out more.
Results: The posters ran for three days, in Birmingham and Manchester, across 6 locations. During this time there were 2,636 interactions, one every 3.5 minutes, 15% above average for similar interactive posters.These interactive posters were a crucial part of E.ON’s integrated ‘Clean Air’ campaign, which also included PR, press, social, cinema, and digital elements.Combined with extensive online coverage and influencer-generated content, to date the campaign has reached over 196 million people. During the activity, traffic to the E.ON website increased by 200%, with new visitors representing 62% of the total. Dwell time doubled, and online sales grew by over 56%.
Ambient / Guerilla / Outdoor

