German child protection Association
Client: German child protection Association
Product: Charitable organisation with carephone, parent counselling, family counselling, child protection centres
Title: The Secret Sculpture
Media: The first virtual museum for children’s rights with the help of an Augmented Reality app
Country: Germany
Date Of Campaign: November 20th, 2019
Background: Even after 30 years the UN convention of the rights of the child is still not part of the German constitution. The child protection league wants politicians to finally change this.
Idea: For the 30th International Day of Children's Rights we started a protest: The Secret Sculpture – the first virtual museum for children’s rights. In major German cities an empty statue base was inaugurated. With an Augmented Reality app 42 pieces of art appear on the one statue base.One artwork for each of the 42 articles of the UN Convention – created by 42 artists such as Erwin Wurm, Laurence Vallières or Joseph Crossley. No sculpture was allowed to be larger than 4 MB. A visual marker on top of the base triggers the experience.
Results: A new kind of museum experience, which as a permanent exhibition has now become a real sight, educating children as well as parents and teachers.But above all, it’s a public call on politicians to implement children's rights in the constitution. German media spread the call and increased the pressure.What seemed impossible for 30 years will change in 2020: a new draft law is ready for a vote in the federal parliament.
Ambient / Guerilla / Outdoor

