Volvo Car Belux
Client: Volvo Car Belux
Product: Road Safety
Title: The Slow Down Cake
Media: Activation at 2 schools ; platform: Facebook, Instagram, landing page ; PR ; influencers
Country: Belgium, Luxemburg
Date Of Campaign: Start 02/09/2019
Background: Each year, there’s a 14-25% spike in traffic accidents at the start of the new school year. Car drivers have gotten accustomed to the calm summer months and tend to forget september’s rush and stressy traffic. Especially in areas with schools, where they are now again limited to 30 km/h.As a leader in car safety, Volvo Cars Belgium wanted to make the 1st of september the safest day of the year. Reminding people that even though they drive some of the safest cars, safe driving behaviour is crucial.
Idea: Research states that 87% of Belgians admits to driving more careful when carrying food. So together with Belgian top chef Jeroen Meus, Volvo created the Slow Down Cake. Made from a thin crumbling crust and topped with extra light whipped cream and fragile chocolate flakes, each Slow Down Cake was made to fall apart when transported roughly.Encouraging each driver to accelerate and brake smoothly, take easy corners and drive safe.
Results: More than 100 custom-made Slow Down Cakes were distributed at elementary schools.Press clippings combined reached 2 million people. With a total of €400,000 in earned media.In collaboration with a network of influencers, we amassed a reach of 6 million. Reaching more women than men in a sector that generally has trouble reaching women.
Ambient / Guerilla / Outdoor

