
Susana Ucero Herreria & Riccardo Pires for Unicef & European Union
"The Real Challenge"

Client: Susana Ucero Herreria & Riccardo Pires for Unicef & European Union
Product: 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Title: The Real Challenge
Media: TikTok
Country: Worldwide
Date Of Campaign: november 2019

Background: People like Greta Thunberg are proving that in this digital day and age, children can be strong vocal leaders that have the power to demand change. To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC30) we wanted to find a way to include children from all parts of the world in this complicated matter. Thus, we turned to TikTok and it’s half billion young users. We studied the style and mechanics of this unique social network and pledged to create a campaign completely in its language.

Idea: The most common activity on TikTok is, challenges. You create a routine and I’ll copy it. It’s as simple as it is entertaining. To remind children of the fact that this right to express themselves freely didn’t come easily, we created a different type of challenge, The Real Challenge. We asked them to step in the shoes of their less fortunate peers: Young kids who are forced to work instead of playing; Girls who are perceived as lesser beings than boys; Children who are being separated from their families against their will and so on. With the help of international TikTok influencers, 4 challenges were spread and the results were massive.

Results: In less than a month, the campaign generated more than 50.000 pieces of user generated content that amassed a stellar 380 million views in over 50 countries. The Real Challenge was applauded by the European Parliament for being the first children’s rights campaign, in its 30 years history, that was made in a language children all over the world actually understand.

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