Product: ONG
Media: TV, cinema, web, online.
Country: SPAIN
Date Of Campaign: 21 MARCH 2018

Background: Amnesty International requested a campaign to celebrate its 40th anniversary in Spain. 40 years since the return of democracy to our country, but also 40 convulsive years in Spain and the rest of the world.The brief was to highlight, from a positive and hopeful point of view, everything Amnesty International does, trying at the same time to move away from the typical NGOs speech, many times based on highlighting the negative to mobilize people.Amnesty International also wanted to reach a younger audience in a digital way, since Amnesty's membership base was made up of people of middle to old ages.

Idea: Our idea was to avoid a traditional, informative, rigorous way to communicate that is often used in Amnesty International worldwide to boost consciousness, and create a piece that being all that, didn’t actually seem like it.Intention was to create a short-film that was not focused neither on the past nor about our planet, but to describe the future in a different planet. We left an open end that makes us think whether this different planet actually exists in a parallel universe, or it is the world we can build provided every country would follow the Declaration of Human Rights that all of them signed one day.

Results: In the Facebook page of Amnesty International, the short-film reached half a million views, and was shared by hundreds of people, most of them nothing to do with the advertising business.Public Catalonian television channel (TV3), broadcasted the short-film in prime time within its tv show ‘Espacio Internet’, and a short-film distributor reached us to distribute the piece as a fiction short-film, giving no importance to the fact that ours was actually an ‘advertising piece’. To AI and to us, that meant a lot because it was the proof that we have achieved to transform an anniversary advertising short-film into a piece that was able to compete in non-advertising festivals.

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