Client: Lidl
Product: Fresh food
Title: Real Emojis
Media: Packaging, guerrilla, POS
Country: Belgium
Date Of Campaign: 14/02/2019
Background: In the age of messaging, certain fresh foods took on a new meaning and changed the way we flirt online. This valentine, supermarket Lidl wanted to hijack the conversation.
Idea: Supermarket chain Lidl hijacked Valentine’s Day 2019 by giving the three most popular digital love emojis a fresh counterpart. We developed a new packaging for bananas, eggplants and peaches to be given as a message, distributed it nationwide and sampled it in busy areas, for those who didn’t make it to the store.
Results: Over 10 000 real love emoji’s were distributed.Which is worth more than 1000 000 digital ones.
Ambient / Guerilla / Outdoor

