RSA (Road Safety Authority)
Client: RSA (Road Safety Authority)
Product: VR Drink Driving Experience -
Media: Oculus Rift & Go/ Google Cardboard/ Gear VR/ YouTube 360
Country: Ireland
Date Of Campaign: December 2018 - Present
Background: RSA wanted to tackle the problem of drink driving amongst the 18 - 40 year old target market.
Idea: We created a 3D 360 film experience that puts you in the shoes of a drink driver. The idea was to have different storylines allowing you to go through the agonising consequences of drink driving - from injury to prosecution - but all with the unique luxury of being able to take the headset off.
Results: “I wish I had experienced this before I lost my license”: Recovering alcoholic at a college demo of the virtual reality experience. Afterwards, he took several of the Cardboard versions to his local AA meeting. Other user quotes overheard by RSA Shuttle staff include phrases like “wow I’m shook” and “chilling” every time so it’s turned out to be really effective and hard hitting. So far it’s had over 100,000 views on the RSA Shuttle bus, which travels across the country. It’s also available on Oculus Go & Google Cardboard in colleges, making it one of Ireland's most accessible high-end VR activations.
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