Spectrum Brands
Client: Spectrum Brands
Product: DreamBone
Title: Freedom Through Their Eyes
Media: Live Event, Social
Country: United States
Date Of Campaign: March 10, 2019
Background: Dogs have served in nearly every major war throughout history. Yet, in the U.S. their service and sacrifice had gone largely unrecognized. And even though K9 Veterans Day has an established date of March 13, this holiday was still new and had virtually no awareness or traction. So DreamBone – a rawhide alternative brand committed to providing a happier and healthier life for all dogs – made it their mission to finally give our K9 heroes the honor they deserve. Making the most of this event, DreamBone also wanted to support Project K-9 Hero, a charity whose mission is to provide a better life for retired K9 veterans by assisting with the costs of medical treatment, food and end of duty services.
Idea: To promote K9 Veterans Day, drive donations to Project K-9 Hero, and create momentum among the 70 million dog owners in the U.S., we needed to craft a symbol. And our research led us to a remarkable discovery. Although the common misconception is that dogs see in black and white, multiple studies show they actually see the world in shades of blue and yellow. Knowing this, we reimagined the American flag as our K9 heroes have always seen it – in Pantone 7759 yellow, white, and blue. To introduce the K9 veterans flag, we unveiled an 8’ x 12’ handmade nylon flag at a special ceremony at the National World War I Museum and Memorial. In addition, we made limited edition 3’ x 5’ commemorative flags to be given with donations to Project K-9 Hero. And we gave away 8” x 12” handheld flags and K9 veterans dog bandanas at the museum and at nearby dog parks. As for inside the museum, we created an augmented reality experience to enable museum-goers to view the famous red poppies of Flanders Fields through a dog’s eyes for the first time.
Results: In just a matter of days, and with little budget, we generated an outpouring of support. Reaching over 147.7 million people and collecting thousands in donations for Project K-9 Hero. With this effort, DreamBone not only improved the lives of K9 veterans all over the country, but created the first enduring symbol of the K9 sacrifice and service of past and present. Giving our four-legged service members the honor they deserve and making March 13, 2019, the most celebrated K9 Veterans Day ever.
Ambient / Guerilla / Outdoor
