Tourism Australia
Client: Tourism Australia
Product: Australia
Title: Aussie News Today
Media: Content, social, digital, partnerships
Country: Austrlaia
Date Of Campaign: 07/10/2017 - continuing
Background: Planning a Working Holiday to a destination 14,000 miles away is a big commitment. Our data showed that our target - youth travellers (18-30 years) get inspired, and plan via social media. We needed an engaging way to take advantage of this, while building Australia’s case. So we used the context of their home life to motivate them.Trump. Brexit. Student debt. Global warming. The youth of the world are faced an avalanche of bad news. Luckily there's a place that has more than enough good news to go around - Australia.
Idea: To get young people down here, Tourism Australia launched Aussie News Today - a social content network that countered bad news by serving up reactive good news stories from Australia. The social films, live bulletins and backpacker-created BuzzFeed content appeared in feeds on multiple channels, in five languages, in real time, right across social media. From our research we knew that 87% of millennials get their news on social media, so we countered the bombardment of bad news where they hang out. Wherever our contextual language engine found bad stuff, we programmatically served good news in multiple languages, on multiple platforms and in real time.We had stories from every corner of Australia which allowed us to retarget people with experience specific itineraries based off the content they'd interacted with. We also used our good news index to offer up StudentUniverse deals to young people nearby.
Results: Aussie News Today has so far reached 316m young people, with the top video receiving 662,000 views and 2,400 shares. Gained 689,000 followers on Facebook, earned over $5m in free global media coverage, and generated 300,000 new bookings and enquiries.
Branded Content
