Prisa Radio
Client: Prisa Radio
Product: Los40
Title: Nevermade
Media: radio, digital
Country: Spain
Date Of Campaign: 26/06/2018
Background: The world of music is one that has most suffered the terrible consequences of drugs, with several of the greatest artists in history leaving us too soon, and thus leaving us without their next big hits.Therefore, at Los40, on International Day Against Drug Abuse, we wanted to make it a day different to the rest and get the millions of young people listening to us to stop for a few seconds to reflect.
Idea: We changed the most sacred part of our programming, "From 40 to 1", and specifically, the most important song in the country, the number 1 in the Charts. So, on 26 June, Toni Aguilar, did his standard countdown of hits and at Number 1, we surprised the public with the live announcement of the return of the great Amy Winehouse at the top of the charts with a new worldwide hit “Nevermade”. And, when the song was put on, the only thing listeners could hear was nothing, 7 seconds of total silence. Because “Nevermade” is THE SONG WE MISSED OUT ON due to drugs. We supported the live action with our social networks and with the creation of the video for “Nevermade”, our ephemeral Number 1. Upon clicking on the video play button, an error message appeared: “Sorry. The video you are trying to play has unfortunately never existed.” And that is how, for the first time in the 53-year history of Los 40, the Number 1 in the Charts never played.
Results: The action enjoyed a great reception on the social networks of Los40, with positive feedback and significant acclaim on the radio.
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