Client: Biffa
Product: Waste collection
Title: Sin Bin
Media: Ambient / sponsorship
Country: United Kingdom
Date Of Campaign: 2018 rugby league season
Background: Countless brands have sponsored rugby clubs in the past. However it’s always the predictable: logos on shirts and messages on perimeter boards.When our client, Biffa (the UK’s leading waste management brand) told us they were sponsoring the Cornish Pirates, we saw that as a creative challenge to do something different and more engaging.
Idea: Biffa is well-known for its iconic red wheelie bins. So we decided to cut out a large Biffa wheelie bin (1100 litres) to put a seat inside it and branded it as the Biffa Sin Bin. This then became the official Sin Bin of the Cornish Pirates ground. This not only reinforced Biffa’s association with bins but also linked it to rugby – by sending players who indulge in foul/rubbish play to the Biffa Sin Bin.
Results: The idea is already getting great traction on social media (see Instagram screenshot attached). People are engaging with the Sin Bin on the ground too by taking selfies…etc. The rugby club itself (Cornish Pirates) are over the moon (see video sent via we transfer). Also, seeing this, other rugby league clubs around the country have approached Biffa, and in the 2019 season (starting September) there will be similar Biffa Sin Bins at two new rugby league clubs - St. Helens and Wigan.
Ambient / Guerilla / Outdoor
