Client: NRMA
Product: Home Insurance
Title: Safety Hub
Media: Bespoke eDMs , SMS, Push notifications, Microsite, Launch Film, App
Country: Australia
Date Of Campaign: October 2018 - February 2019
Background: Insurance is an industry where customers tend to interact only when making a claim. For IAG (the parent company of NRMA Insurance) that’s only about 10% of their customers each year. For the remaining 90%, more than half only engage with the brand once a year – at policy renewal time – when they’re being asked to pay for something. It’s no wonder insurance is such a begrudging purchase.When it comes to driving loyalty, most insurance companies tend to stick to the basics; rewarding for things like tenure and number of policies held. IAG, as a purpose-led organisation, that exists to make your world a safer place, wanted to deliver a tangibly better insurance experience by competing on more than price.
Idea: To engage customers, we needed to be bold, pivoting from the expected loyalty world of discounts and points. So, instead of paying out after disaster strikes, we thought what if we paid customers for demonstrating safe behaviour that prevents the disaster in the first place? Enter the NRMA Insurance Safety Hub – a first-of-its-kind insurance platform that rewards customers for safety, not for tenure or number of policies . Using over 90 years of NRMA Insurance expertise and recent claims data, we identified the greatest risks to Australian homes. Surprisingly, small things like faulty $8 flexi hoses, overloaded power boards, or clogged gutters actually pose some of the largest threats, and also account for some of the top claims costs. We used claims, weather and geographical data to target our ‘highest risk’ customers.Using this information, we created a range of simple, personalised safety tasks, delivered through the Safety Hub app. Weguided customers through the steps they could undertake to reduce their exposure, including:• Checking the flexi hoses under sinks and attached to appliances for rust, kinks, and frays to protect against potential interior water damage• Ensuring gutters are clean, trees close to homes are trimmed and outdoor items are properly secured before storm season hit• Protecting their home from burglary by knowing their neighbours to create a safer community• Checking smoke alarms and power boards are functioning and purchasing a fire blanket to safeguard against home fire risk• Inspecting cars for faulty Takata airbag models to reduce the chance of a road accident.For every safety task a customer completed, we paid them. The reward amount reflected the scale of risk reduction that they had undertaken, for example $20 cash back for checking their homes flexi hoses were intact, $10 for purchasing a fire blanket, $15 for cleaning their gutters. Keen to truly live the mission and make your world a safer place, if customers spotted a problem with their flexi hoses, instead of a $20 cash reward we made sure the job was done properly and covered the cost of local tradesmen to replace all flexi hoses in their homes – at an average service cost of $400. The app was supported by a tailored communication journey, prompting and rewarding customers throughout the entire experience. Using Adobe Campaign, we built a range of triggered journeys that rolled out instructions to customers via e-mail and in-app notifications within the Safety Hub app. Customer’s received a bespoke journey based on the actions they completed in-app. Their behaviour was logged and analysed through Adobe Mobile SDK and Analytics. Adobe Campaign SDK triggered the next best action for each customer, whether that was coming back and completing an unfinished task or completing their next safety task.
Results: Following a beta with 2,000 customers, the app was extended to 156,000 NRMA Insurance home and motor insurance customers.Since Safety Hub launched, over 4,700 safety tasks have been completed and hundreds of thousands of dollars in potential claims have been prevented.NRMA Insurance has seen unprecedented levels of customer satisfaction:• 79% of customers see NRMA Insurance as a more proactive insurer.• 68% feel more valued as a customer.• 82% are more likely to recommend NRMA Insurance to others.Overwhelmingly positive verbatims from NRMA Insurance customers:• “NRMA comes across as the most proactive insurer in Australia with features like this”• “I feel more valued as a customer instead of just another number”• “No other company seems to be actively involved in helping their customers”With NRMA Insurance Safety Hub, customers aren’t just taking control of their own safety, they’re helping make Australia a safer place too.Quotes from Safety Hub sponsors:“Through the strategy and concept that CHE Proximity developed, to the behaviourally-targeted, technical smarts that we executed through the Adobe Experience Cloud, Safety Hub is not just changing the relationship we have with our customers, it’s enabling safer living across the country.” Brent Smart, CMO, IAG“We got a call in the call centre - someone who only has a motor policy with us - who wanted to immediately switch over their home policy as they loved the programme so much. That just doesn’t happen in insurance.” Jason Ridge, Director, One-To-One Marketing IAG